Written and published by Simon Callier

Showing posts with label Reducing Stress Through Motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reducing Stress Through Motivation. Show all posts

Tuesday 29 August 2023

Stress Caused Through a Lack of Motivation

A lack of motivation within the workplace can adversely affect productivity on all levels. If directors and team leaders are unmotivated, everyone else will likely follow suit. The common side effects of low motivation levels might include:
  • Increased Stress: Stress comes from the constant fear of the unknown and the threat of directors, team leaders, and staff losing their jobs.
  • Decreased Performance: Directors, team leaders, and staff caught up in organisational politics pay less attention to their work and other commitments.
  • Low Concentration Levels: Directors, team leaders, and staff preoccupied with personal agendas are less likely to perform at their best.
  • Cynicism: can lead to low morale, lower productivity, and dissatisfaction.
  • High Staff Turnover: Directors, team leaders, and staff who excel at what they do but leave an organisation because of its politics may result in a lack of qualified colleagues or a loss of organisational knowledge and experience.
  • Demotivated Staff: Undeserving directors, team leaders, and staff succeeding or engaging in toxic work practices could leave the rest of an organisation's colleagues feeling demotivated and demoralised.
  • Miscommunication: Organisational politics thrive on manipulation, leading to a prevalence of miscommunication. Directors and team leaders are often provided with edited versions of events. At the same time, colleagues are kept out of the loop.
  • Decreased Productivity: The organisation's overall performance suffers due to the negativity caused by lousy office politics.
  • Resentment: Colleagues become unhappy and resent their directors, team leaders, and the organisation.

Bad office management practices occur when people in positions of power and trust use their influence for to increase their personal gain. Unfortunately, backstabbing, gaslighting, and the formation of unhealthy cliques are common in office environments. 

Individuals cannot avoid corporate bad management practices, regardless of their position, it's a reality that must be acknowledged.

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